Commemoration Black October 2016

Assalamualaikum All,

Jaffna Muslim Association warmly welcomes all families to our event to commemorate Black October. This event will be held on the 30th of October in SLMCC Harrow masjid.

2, Whitfriars Avenue,
Harrow, HA3 5RN

Please contact your local member if you require further information.

We will be discussing our community’s past, present and future. There will also be a children’s event, refreshments, dinner and a Q&A session. Insha’allah, we hope that we will be able to have a good evening that will include interesting and beneficial discussions about the current situation of our community.

We sincerely hope that everyone will able to attend and show support for all Jaffna Muslims. Please confirm your family’s attendance with your local JMA member before 20th of October so that we can get an idea of how many people are coming.

Jazakallah Khair,
JMA team


14:30 Arrival time/Asar
Refreshments will be served

15:00 Programme start:
Speech about JMA’s  activities, the 1990 expulsion and our current resettlement situation

16:35 Maghrib

17:00 Questions & Answers session
Refreshments again.

18:00 Children’s event on the subject of Jaffna/JMA.

20:00 Isha

21:00 Dinner