Our Projects and Services during 2020

LKR 7,940,050.00 
GBP 780.00

Please find the list of our completed projects and services for the year 2020. If you need more detailed report, please contact us. Personal details are hidden for privacy purposes.



Project Details




2020JanuaryJ/Katheeja College (water supply)JaffnaLKR       27,500.00
2020JanuaryEducation – Tuition FeesJaffnaLKR       60,000.00
2020FebruaryEmployment (Cloth Business)PananduraLKR     100,000.00
2020FebruaryEmployment (Short Eat Business)AlankudaLKR     125,000.00
2020FebruaryHousing (Al Aqsa Masjid Toilet Facilities) PuttalamPuttalamLKR     200,000.00
2020FebruaryHousing (House Rent for cancer person) PuttalamPuttalamLKR     175,000.00
2020MarchJ/Katheeja College (Garden Tools)JaffnaLKR       60,000.00
2020MarchEducation (Madrasa Roof)IggrikollawaLKR     155,000.00
2020MarchEducation (Student Support)IggrikollawaLKR       25,000.00
2020MarchJ/Katheeja College (Pipe line Facility)JaffnaLKR     195,000.00
2020MarchEmployment (Business Support)JaffnaLKR     200,000.00
2020MarchCoconut Tree MaintenanceMankumbanLKR     130,000.00
2020MayEmergency Disaster – COVID 19Sri LankaLKR  1,414,500.00
2020MayEmergency Disaster – COVID 19GAMBIA, AFRICAGBP            500.00
2020MayEmergency Disaster – OLIVE TREE PJTGAZA, PALESTINEGBP            280.00
2020JuneDisabled Person SupportAlankuda, PuttalamLKR       45,500.00
2020JuneWheel ChairAlankuda, PuttalamLKR       22,000.00
2020JuneHousing (Roof for house)Alankuda,PuttalamLKR       24,000.00
2020JuneEmployment (Small business)Kalmunai kudiLKR       31,500.00
2020JuneHousing (Water Tank)NuracholaiLKR       39,000.00
2020JuneFamily SupportKamal Road JaffnaLKR       25,000.00
2020JuneFitraSri LankaLKR     680,450.00
2020JuneTube Well (Hijrapuram Mullaitivu)MullaithivuLKR     170,000.00
2020JunePush Chair (Disable person)PuttalamLKR       19,000.00
2020JuneZakathSri LankaLKR     531,040.00
2020JuneSadaqaSri LankaLKR     184,000.00
2020JulyWC for BathroomPuttalamLKR       58,000.00
2020AugustQurbaniSri LankaLKR     916,300.00
2020AugustMedical Support (Kidney Operation)Sri LankaLKR       50,000.00
2020OctoberTuition fees every month (P/M)JaffnaLKR         7,000.00
2020OctoberAalimah Course (3 month fees)MadampeLKR       30,000.00
2020OctoberContributed to build the house (partially)JaffnaLKR       60,000.00
2020OctoberPopcorn Machine for BusinessIlanthimoddyLKR       40,000.00
2020OctoberBed set for Disable personNuraicholaiLKR       16,000.00
2020OctoberBicycle for self employment supportNuraicholaiLKR       22,000.00
2020OctoberEmergency Food Parcel distributePuttalamLKR       38,500.00
2020OctoberEmergency Rice bags distributionPuttalamLKR     125,000.00
2020OctoberTube Well (Nachikuda) Common UseNachchikudaLKR     180,000.00
2020DecemberTube Well – Common Use
( Malahirul muslihath ladies Arabic college )
NachchikudaLKR     150,060.00
2020DecemberHousing –  Hut (P/ Thillayadi Muslim Masha Vidyalaya)PuttalamLKR72,000.00
2020December(a) Tube Well Common UseNachchikudaLKR     190,000.00
2020December(b) BreakfastNachchikudaLKR12,000.00
2020DecemberCOVID 19 PANDEMIC (1000 rice bags 5kg each)Negombo & SurroundingsLKR690,000.00
2020DecemberFlood Appeal (157 family vouchers worth 2,500/- each)Jaffna Moor StreetLKR392,500.00
2020DecemberTube Well (Kamal lane)JaffnaLKR95,000.00
2020DecemberTube Well (Muslim College Road)Jaffna Moor StreetLKR157,200.00

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