Our Projects and Services during 2019

LKR 3,786,850.00

Please find the list of our completed projects and services for the year 2019. If you need more detailed report, please contact us. Personal details are hidden for privacy purposes.



Project Type




2019JanuaryEducationJaffna LKR  235,000.00
2019JanuaryEducationJaffna LKR    47,000.00
2019JanuaryEducationJaffna LKR    25,000.00
2019FebruaryTube Well Chavakacheri, Jaffna LKR    98,000.00
2019FebruaryTube WellJaffna LKR  110,000.00
2019FebruaryTube WellMullaithivu LKR  110,000.00
2019FebruaryTube WellMullaithivu LKR  102,000.00
2019MarchEducationJaffna LKR    25,000.00
2019MarchEducationJaffna LKR  150,000.00
2019MarchEmploymentPanandura LKR    45,000.00
2019MarchHousing and SanitationWattrapola, Panandura LKR    50,000.00
2019MarchTube WellMullaithivu LKR  135,000.00
2019MarchTube WellJaffna LKR  115,000.00
2019MayFitraSri Lanka LKR  773,000.00
2019MayIftharSri Lanka & UkLKR  508,600.00
2019AugustEducationJaffna LKR    15,000.00
2019AugustQurbaniSri Lanka LKR  174,250.00
2019SeptemberEducationIggriKollawaLKR  150,000.00
2019SeptemberEducationJaffna LKR    45,000.00
2019SeptemberCoconut Tree Water SupplyMankumban, Jaffna LKR    15,000.00
2019SeptemberTransportSri Lanka LKR    50,000.00
2019SeptemberTube WellMullaithivu LKR  125,000.00
2019NovemberEducationJaffna LKR  102,000.00
2019DecemberEducationIggrikollawa LKR    50,000.00
2019DecemberTube WellJaffna LKR  204,000.00
2019DecemberEducationJaffna LKR    40,000.00
2019DecemberHousing and SanitationRatmaliyaya, Puttalam LKR  208,000.00
2019DecemberHousing and SanitationPanandura LKR    18,000.00
2019DecemberSportsThillayadi, Puttalam LKR    62,000.00

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